Color Picker – RGB, HSL, Hex, and HTML Color Codes

Use the color picker to discover beautiful colors with RGB and HSL values with Hex and HTML Color Codes. Also, you can find the color charts.

RGB Color Picker

Find the perfect and required color with this Color Picker and use it anywhere. Also, you can use the Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values, to create CSS and SCSS styles. Then you can give style to the HTML class or id to make design beautiful and creative.

RGB Color Codes Chart

Hover on any color and get the Hex and RGB color codes below the chart.

Hex:   #    

Color Picker - RGB, HSL, Hex, and HTML Color Codes

What are HTML color codes?

HTML color codes are the variety of coding format that is using to display colors on the computer. Also, the computer can interpret/ready only this type of coding formats. Generally, it is using in website design and software applications. Even more, there are many color formats. Such as Hex, RGB and HSL values, and HTML color codes. All are used in computers to display color.

Hex Color Codes

Hex color codes are the most popular among all the color formats. It is commonly using for all computer-related work. It includes three-byte(consist of 6 digits) hexadecimal numbers. Each pair of characters describe the intensity of red, green, and blue respectively.


In Hex code, “00” represents the lowest intensity and “FF” represents the highest intensity.

For example, white color is made by mixing the high-intensity of primary colors. So, it’s Hex code is #FFFFFF.

Similarly, black color is made by mixing the low-intensity of primary colors. Therefore, the hex code is #000000.

So, you can create any color code using this method. You just need to know the intensity of color. For that, you can use this color picker. It will make your work easy and fast. Just drag the color pointer and color code is ready in less than a second.

The primary colors, red, green, and blue is the mixing of one high-intensity color with two low-intensity colors.

#FF0000 #00FF00 #0000FF

Commonly Using HTML Color Codes

Color Color Name Hex Color Code RGB Color Code
White #FFFFFF rgb(255, 255, 255)
Silver #C0C0C0 rgb(192, 192, 192)
Gray #808080 rgb(128, 128, 128)
Black #000000 rgb(0, 0, 0)
Red #FF0000 rgb(255, 0, 0)
Maroon #800000 rgb(128, 0, 0)
Yellow #FFFF00 rgb(255, 255, 0)
Olive #808000 rgb(128, 128, 0)
Lime #00FF00 rgb(0, 255, 0)
Green #008000 rgb(0, 128, 0)
Aqua #00FFFF rgb(0, 255, 255)
Teal #008080 rgb(0, 128, 128)
Blue #0000FF rgb(0, 0, 255)
Navy #000080 rgb(0, 0, 128)
Fuchsia #FF00FF rgb(255, 0, 255))
Purple #800080 rgb(128, 0, 128))
Other Color Codes
Color Color Name Hex Code RGB Code
maroon #800000 (128,0,0)
dark red #8B0000 (139,0,0)
brown #A52A2A (165,42,42)
firebrick #B22222 (178,34,34)
crimson #DC143C (220,20,60)
red #FF0000 (255,0,0)
tomato #FF6347 (255,99,71)
coral #FF7F50 (255,127,80)
indian red #CD5C5C (205,92,92)
light coral #F08080 (240,128,128)
dark salmon #E9967A (233,150,122)
salmon #FA8072 (250,128,114)
light salmon #FFA07A (255,160,122)
orange red #FF4500 (255,69,0)
dark orange #FF8C00 (255,140,0)
orange #FFA500 (255,165,0)
gold #FFD700 (255,215,0)
dark golden rod #B8860B (184,134,11)
golden rod #DAA520 (218,165,32)
pale golden rod #EEE8AA (238,232,170)
dark khaki #BDB76B (189,183,107)
khaki #F0E68C (240,230,140)
olive #808000 (128,128,0)
yellow #FFFF00 (255,255,0)
yellow green #9ACD32 (154,205,50)
dark olive green #556B2F (85,107,47)
olive drab #6B8E23 (107,142,35)
lawn green #7CFC00 (124,252,0)
chart reuse #7FFF00 (127,255,0)
green yellow #ADFF2F (173,255,47)
dark green #006400 (0,100,0)
green #008000 (0,128,0)
forest green #228B22 (34,139,34)
lime #00FF00 (0,255,0)
lime green #32CD32 (50,205,50)
light green #90EE90 (144,238,144)
pale green #98FB98 (152,251,152)
dark sea green #8FBC8F (143,188,143)
medium spring green #00FA9A (0,250,154)
spring green #00FF7F (0,255,127)
sea green #2E8B57 (46,139,87)
medium aqua marine #66CDAA (102,205,170)
medium sea green #3CB371 (60,179,113)
light sea green #20B2AA (32,178,170)
dark slate gray #2F4F4F (47,79,79)
teal #008080 (0,128,128)
dark cyan #008B8B (0,139,139)
aqua #00FFFF (0,255,255)
cyan #00FFFF (0,255,255)
light cyan #E0FFFF (224,255,255)
dark turquoise #00CED1 (0,206,209)
turquoise #40E0D0 (64,224,208)
medium turquoise #48D1CC (72,209,204)
pale turquoise #AFEEEE (175,238,238)
aqua marine #7FFFD4 (127,255,212)
powder blue #B0E0E6 (176,224,230)
cadet blue #5F9EA0 (95,158,160)
steel blue #4682B4 (70,130,180)
corn flower blue #6495ED (100,149,237)
deep sky blue #00BFFF (0,191,255)
dodger blue #1E90FF (30,144,255)
light blue #ADD8E6 (173,216,230)
sky blue #87CEEB (135,206,235)
light sky blue #87CEFA (135,206,250)
midnight blue #191970 (25,25,112)
navy #000080 (0,0,128)
dark blue #00008B (0,0,139)
medium blue #0000CD (0,0,205)
blue #0000FF (0,0,255)
royal blue #4169E1 (65,105,225)
blue violet #8A2BE2 (138,43,226)
indigo #4B0082 (75,0,130)
dark slate blue #483D8B (72,61,139)
slate blue #6A5ACD (106,90,205)
medium slate blue #7B68EE (123,104,238)
medium purple #9370DB (147,112,219)
dark magenta #8B008B (139,0,139)
dark violet #9400D3 (148,0,211)
dark orchid #9932CC (153,50,204)
medium orchid #BA55D3 (186,85,211)
purple #800080 (128,0,128)
thistle #D8BFD8 (216,191,216)
plum #DDA0DD (221,160,221)
violet #EE82EE (238,130,238)
magenta / fuchsia #FF00FF (255,0,255)
orchid #DA70D6 (218,112,214)
medium violet red #C71585 (199,21,133)
pale violet red #DB7093 (219,112,147)
deep pink #FF1493 (255,20,147)
hot pink #FF69B4 (255,105,180)
light pink #FFB6C1 (255,182,193)
pink #FFC0CB (255,192,203)
antique white #FAEBD7 (250,235,215)
beige #F5F5DC (245,245,220)
bisque #FFE4C4 (255,228,196)
blanched almond #FFEBCD (255,235,205)
wheat #F5DEB3 (245,222,179)
corn silk #FFF8DC (255,248,220)
lemon chiffon #FFFACD (255,250,205)
light golden rod yellow #FAFAD2 (250,250,210)
light yellow #FFFFE0 (255,255,224)
saddle brown #8B4513 (139,69,19)
sienna #A0522D (160,82,45)
chocolate #D2691E (210,105,30)
peru #CD853F (205,133,63)
sandy brown #F4A460 (244,164,96)
burly wood #DEB887 (222,184,135)
tan #D2B48C (210,180,140)
rosy brown #BC8F8F (188,143,143)
moccasin #FFE4B5 (255,228,181)
navajo white #FFDEAD (255,222,173)
peach puff #FFDAB9 (255,218,185)
misty rose #FFE4E1 (255,228,225)
lavender blush #FFF0F5 (255,240,245)
linen #FAF0E6 (250,240,230)
old lace #FDF5E6 (253,245,230)
papaya whip #FFEFD5 (255,239,213)
sea shell #FFF5EE (255,245,238)
mint cream #F5FFFA (245,255,250)
slate gray #708090 (112,128,144)
light slate gray #778899 (119,136,153)
light steel blue #B0C4DE (176,196,222)
lavender #E6E6FA (230,230,250)
floral white #FFFAF0 (255,250,240)
alice blue #F0F8FF (240,248,255)
ghost white #F8F8FF (248,248,255)
honeydew #F0FFF0 (240,255,240)
ivory #FFFFF0 (255,255,240)
azure #F0FFFF (240,255,255)
snow #FFFAFA (255,250,250)
black #000000 (0,0,0)
dim gray / dim grey #696969 (105,105,105)
gray / grey #808080 (128,128,128)
dark gray / dark grey #A9A9A9 (169,169,169)
silver #C0C0C0 (192,192,192)
light gray / light grey #D3D3D3 (211,211,211)
gainsboro #DCDCDC (220,220,220)
white smoke #F5F5F5 (245,245,245)
white #FFFFFF (255,255,255)